There are a variety of ways for you to get involved and help our residents and future rescues. Below, we have listed some of the many ways you can reach out and help us!
Our sponsorship types will be Platinum, Gold, and Silver. A Platinum sponsor is $150, a Gold sponsor is $100, and a Silver sponsor is $75! Once on PayPal, please be sure to indicate which horse you would like to sponsor!
If you choose, you may donate treats, such as horse cookies and carrots, etc, equine services, or any other equine item of your choosing! Contact us and we would be happy to let you know what we are in need of! You may also choose to just donate directly to our rescue fund through PayPal! Any and all amounts help!
One of the biggest ways to help, is to spread the word! Like, follow, and share our Facebook page, Instagram page, and TikTok account! Tell your friends and family about us, and encourage them to give us a follow!